Wednesday 1 April 2015

Hop To It

I can't believe it's that time of year again, April is here and so is Easter. 

As usual we don't do things the simple or easy way in our house. I could easily have given Ol a couple of eggs to take and give to his kinder friends, but instead I turned it into a craft activity for us to do. It was pretty easy and kept him (and me occupied for some time yesterday whilst Imogen  was asleep. 

I originally tried cutting out the ears myself from plain white paper. The perfectionist in me wasn't happy with the mismatched ears I was getting, so I quickly jumped into the computer and created some templates to print out. So much easier for Ol to them colour in (or dictate to me to colour in). There were specific requests for his best friends to have custom ears - Spider-Man, Captain America and Optimus Prime. 

I gave Ol the job of sticking the bunny's tails (cotton wool balls) on the back of the eggs. I then got the fiddly bits of sticking on the ears and whiskers (some white 4ply cotton yarn I had lying around from previous projects). Pretty happy with how they turned out and he was so excited to get to kinder and hand them out to his friends. 

Tuesday 10 March 2015

A Room for a Birthday

We've recently started to put together the nursery for our latest little addition to the McWoodstree family. There's still a few little things to tweak before it's finished and I'll pop it up. It made me realise that the last bedroom we did was for O almost 2 years ago. Where has the time gone?

We had made the decision that for his second birthday we would buy him a big boy bed, mainly because he'd discovered how to climb out of his cot. Instead of just buying a bed we thought it would be even more special to move him out of the nursery and into his very own brand new big boy bedroom.

The initial inspiration came from the curtains. I had made these (my very first attempt) for the nursery when he was a baby. These set the colour scheme for the room. I took a left over swatch of the material off to Bunnings to colour match the paint so it would be an exact match.

For the lettering it was as easy as searching online for a font I liked. I can't remember what the font was, but my favourite website for free fonts is fontspace. I printed the letters out and traced them onto the wall before I painted the. If I were to do it again I'd paint them in white first before painting the colour over the top. Though I think it turned out pretty well anyway.

Of course the room has developed and grown over the last almost 2 years. Mum's beautiful quilt has been finished and completed my vision. We've also added an Ikea toy holder as somewhere to keep the millions of his stuffed toys and a rainbow mosquito net that was handed down to him from his cousin. The most recent addition has been the shelves as somewhere else to keep some of his more special toys and all important money box.

I'm now contemplating buying a big decal of either a pirate ship, robot or dinosaurs to go on the blue wall. This is the best thing about the room that we initially created - whilst it had enough character it is still such a blank canvas to be able to add things to as his likes change and he grows up. We started with a Thomas doona cover for his 2nd birthday, but his favourite characters now are Octonauts and half the Marvel universe. Luckily it's pretty easy to change.
