Wednesday 1 April 2015

Hop To It

I can't believe it's that time of year again, April is here and so is Easter. 

As usual we don't do things the simple or easy way in our house. I could easily have given Ol a couple of eggs to take and give to his kinder friends, but instead I turned it into a craft activity for us to do. It was pretty easy and kept him (and me occupied for some time yesterday whilst Imogen  was asleep. 

I originally tried cutting out the ears myself from plain white paper. The perfectionist in me wasn't happy with the mismatched ears I was getting, so I quickly jumped into the computer and created some templates to print out. So much easier for Ol to them colour in (or dictate to me to colour in). There were specific requests for his best friends to have custom ears - Spider-Man, Captain America and Optimus Prime. 

I gave Ol the job of sticking the bunny's tails (cotton wool balls) on the back of the eggs. I then got the fiddly bits of sticking on the ears and whiskers (some white 4ply cotton yarn I had lying around from previous projects). Pretty happy with how they turned out and he was so excited to get to kinder and hand them out to his friends. 

Tuesday 10 March 2015

A Room for a Birthday

We've recently started to put together the nursery for our latest little addition to the McWoodstree family. There's still a few little things to tweak before it's finished and I'll pop it up. It made me realise that the last bedroom we did was for O almost 2 years ago. Where has the time gone?

We had made the decision that for his second birthday we would buy him a big boy bed, mainly because he'd discovered how to climb out of his cot. Instead of just buying a bed we thought it would be even more special to move him out of the nursery and into his very own brand new big boy bedroom.

The initial inspiration came from the curtains. I had made these (my very first attempt) for the nursery when he was a baby. These set the colour scheme for the room. I took a left over swatch of the material off to Bunnings to colour match the paint so it would be an exact match.

For the lettering it was as easy as searching online for a font I liked. I can't remember what the font was, but my favourite website for free fonts is fontspace. I printed the letters out and traced them onto the wall before I painted the. If I were to do it again I'd paint them in white first before painting the colour over the top. Though I think it turned out pretty well anyway.

Of course the room has developed and grown over the last almost 2 years. Mum's beautiful quilt has been finished and completed my vision. We've also added an Ikea toy holder as somewhere to keep the millions of his stuffed toys and a rainbow mosquito net that was handed down to him from his cousin. The most recent addition has been the shelves as somewhere else to keep some of his more special toys and all important money box.

I'm now contemplating buying a big decal of either a pirate ship, robot or dinosaurs to go on the blue wall. This is the best thing about the room that we initially created - whilst it had enough character it is still such a blank canvas to be able to add things to as his likes change and he grows up. We started with a Thomas doona cover for his 2nd birthday, but his favourite characters now are Octonauts and half the Marvel universe. Luckily it's pretty easy to change.


Tuesday 8 April 2014

Easter is Just Around the Corner

It's been a long, long time since I've posted anything on here. Just after Cup Day last year I started back working full time again and I am not too sure where the last 5 months have gone. 

With the school holidays having just started it's brought my mind to Easter. As with most things in our family we tend to perhaps go a little overboard (as you can see even Ted and Barney got in on the action when mum made them their own Easter Bunny costumes). I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have this year, but thought I'd share what I put together for the kids last year.

We face this dilemma every year - Easter to kids is ALL about chocolate. Whilst I didn't want to deprive them of the joy that is Easter eggs, by the time the Easter Bunny has visited and gifts (who are we kidding, more Easter eggs) are given by both sets of grandparents and aunts and uncles I was hoping to keep the chocolate content down with our gift. So from the time I saw these cute little bags on Pinterest I decided they would be perfect.

They were super easy, and I was able to make the three of them on Easter Saturday afternoon with the football on the TV. I'd gone to Spotlight earlier in the day to buy the felt and some fat quarters for the inside of the ears. If I had a collection of scrap bits of material like mum does, it wouldn't have cost me anything. The hardest part of them was remembering how to do stem stitch for their eyes. I then used the sewing machine to join the back and front together. 

I used the same template to make some little Santa sacks as gifts for O's carers last year, but instead of using normal thread I bought one specifically for decorative stitching, which I think looked much better.

I did end up filling them with far more eggs than I initially thought I would (they are deceptively roomy) so we ended up with the usual sugar overload, but isn't that what it's all about?


Monday 17 February 2014

Making Poppies

We discovered the 5000 Poppies Project through the Legacy newsletter and decided to join in.  Having a father, grandfather and great grandfathers who were Veterans it seemed like a fitting tribute.
November 11th 2013 was the first deadline with the project planning an exhibition and workshop at Fed Square in Melbourne. Time was tight!

The website had patterns for both knitted and crocheted poppies and I began by making each of these.  While they turned out ok I thought I'd be faster and better if I could make some in felt.  After checking Pinterest I found a tutorial for felt poppies used as brooches.  Only problem was it was in Russian!
Luckily I can read pictures so  after a bit of trial and error I came up with this.

1. You will need: red felt, black or green felt, small piece of fibrefill stuffing, red and black stranded cotton, small black beads or 'eyelash' yarn

2.The pattern. it doesn't really matter what size you make but I put the 5cm guide on to help if you are printing it out or photocopying it.

2.  Using the patterns cut out 4 petals and a back circle from red felt.  Cut out one centre from black or green felt.

3.Blanket stitch around the edge of each petal. Pull the thread a little as you go to create a cupped effect for the petal. When the four petals are completed running stitch them together across the bottom. Overlap petals slightly as you go and join into a circle but leave end free to gather up the petals later.

4. Run gathering stitch around the black or green centre circle. (I've done it in orange so you can see it but use matching thread. Place small ball of fibrefil stuffing in the centre and pull up tightly.  Wrap thread around a few times to secure and then sew off end.
5.Place the petals around the centre and pull up gathering thread. Secure by stitching through centre from one petal to another.

6. Making stamens Version 1: Sew long and short blanket stitches around centre, three on each petal. Add a bead to the top of each stitch.

7. Making stamens Version 2: On the front side of poppy wrap eyelash yarn between centre and petals.  Stitch down to secure.

8. Neaten the back  by blanket stitching the red circle back over centre of  poppy. A dedication tape can be added before completing the stitching.

This makes a basic poppy.  You can change the design to suit yourself. Make it easier by finding a pretty button to use as the centre or more complex by adding more beads or a double row of petals.

If you would like to send your poppies to the 5000 Poppies Project I'm sure they would love to have them. or 5000 poppies on Facebook


Tuesday 12 November 2013

A Gorgeous Bag For A Gorgeous Girl

Last week Kati and I took the two littlies to see the wonderful Peppa Pig puppet show that was on at the Arts Centre. Both love Peppa and George so when I heard about the show I was desperate to get tickets, as was every other parent in Melbourne. The pre-sale tickets sold out almost straight away. I was then lucky enough to snare 4 when they were fully released the following week. 

I'd decided it would make a great birthday present for Miss E's 2nd birthday in September. However as the time drew closer I was concerned that it may be a bit disappointing for a two year old to receive a couple of bits of cardboard. 

So the weekend before whilst doing my daily perusing of Pinterest I saw Kati had pinned these gorgeous crocheted bags. Given I was in the midst of my new found love of crochet I decided that's what was going to be the rest of her present. There wasn't much info or a link on what Kati had pinned, but I could make out a little picture that said 'made with love Vendulka'. So off googling I went, and I struck gold!! This woman is amazing with what she creates. I purchased the pattern on her etsy store and then got to work with the wool I had available. 

It didn't turn out exactly as my perfectionist self wanted, but I was pretty proud of what I had achieved in under a week. And I'm sure Miss E was much happier to receive her tickets in a bag, rather than by themselves. 


Thursday 7 November 2013

Husbands And Gifts Do Not Mix!

On Christmas Eve of 2008 my (then) boyfriend proposed to me. He chose this date as I have grown up believing that Christmas is a special time and this just added to it!

So this time last year we (finally!!) got married! It was a day I will never forget! Everyone worked so hard and we were, and still are, so grateful! It was better than we had ever imagined!

Having said that, this is where my problem started. What do you get for your husband on your first wedding anniversary? It is traditionally paper. A really nice card? Hmmm...

Cam and I are very different when it comes to things like this. I have to admit that I am an emotional hoarder, I keep EVERYTHING! Whereas Cam is completely the opposite. 
He sees no problems with throwing things away, whereas I have kept any cards or little love notes he has ever given me. So getting him a nice and heartfelt card I have learnt isn't really the way to go.

We did go away to Healesville for a few days (we had our honeymoon there) which was very special and we both loved the peace and quiet! He had purchased an Oroton necklace for me that I had shown him months ago, and he had hidden it since then as a surprise for me.
So when he gave that to me a felt like I had ripped him off as I had only purchased a small trinket for him, a handmade keying...

Sadly it didn't arrive until we arrived home from our travels. BUT I really wanted to MAKE something special for USSomething to keep and I wanted it made with paper...

When I think back over our relationship and our wedding day, the one thing that stands out is music!

Throughout our relationship music seems to have "played" a special part in our lives. 
We met through a mutual friend (who happened to have been a DJ) and back then Karaoke was what all the "cool kids" were doing, so we would go out with friends and listen to them sing (all the good and oh so bad!). We have also both grown up with a love of music. I am very eclectic, loving everything from bubblegum pop to classics to rock to I guess metal even? Whereas Cam is into the heavier, more alternative music. Though through our relationship with have both grown to tolerate, maybe even like each other's musical taste... But there will always be a few non-negotiables!

Then comes his parents. His mum is a former opera singer and music teacher, his father is a VERY accomplished pianist. 

The music throughout our wedding ceremony was of songs his father had recorded as unfortunately he was unable to play on the day and most of the music at the reception is all a blur... That is apart from our first dance song. I had left all the music choices up to Cam, so when I first heard the song he had chosen I was in tears! He had said it was the perfect song to explain how he feels about me. The song is "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds and my favourite line from the song is ...

So, I charged my iPad and sat for hours trying to get inspiration.... Now I am a BIG fan of Pinterest! But this is the first time I have been a little disappointed! Why is it that when it comes to anything with the word 'wedding' in it, it's either over the top or just plan ugly. After combining both Music and Christmas I struck gold! What better gift to give him than the lyrics of our first dance song in a Christmas bauble? And a photo frame with the lyrics and sheet music of our first dance song with our wedding date...

I'm not too sure that he loves them, but he did appreciate the thought and that I made something special for us both to remember our special day and our first anniversary.

Now I wonder what next year will be like, I might need to start planning now?!


Friday 25 October 2013


It's been a bit of a miserable week in Melbourne - lots and lots of rain. I love it when it rains, but makes it a little difficult with a toddler. Whilst the skies seem to have dried up a little today, our backyard is a bit of a quagmire, so what am I to do with him other than watch Cars for the 671st time?

I had almost a whole punnet of blueberries in the fridge that I knew weren't going to be eaten (I attempted to give them to Master O in a fruit salad Monday morning, but were spat out even hidden amongst all the yoghurt). So I decided why not do some baking? Great activity to do with a 2 year old, as long as you're in a patient mood.

I have quite a few wonderful cookbooks around the house (including my all time favourite Women's Weekly 'Cook'), however I always seem to turn to the 'Taste' app on my iPad first. I love it when you're in the mood to cook or bake and you have all the ingredients already at home, which is what happened this morning. I made these blueberry muffins, but did substitute one cup if wholemeal self-raising flour for one cup of the plain sr flour and added a bit of vanilla, just because. They turned out very yummy, and I don't feel as guilty eating them knowing they've got a bit of wholesomeness to them (my logic). 

Master O loved getting his hands in the bowl to help rub the butter into the flour and then stirring everything together, but think licking the spoon at the end was definitely the best part. 

So we're now off to Ikea to grab some coat hangers (and maybe some meatballs). Kati helped me go through my wardrobe Wednesday afternoon and there is a lot that is no longer in there, so I now know exactly how many I need to but. I also Need to get onto eBay to sell some of the clothes I'm getting rid of, and drop the others off to an op shop somewhere. Could be a busy day ahead...
