As usual we don't do things the simple or easy way in our house. I could easily have given Ol a couple of eggs to take and give to his kinder friends, but instead I turned it into a craft activity for us to do. It was pretty easy and kept him (and me occupied for some time yesterday whilst Imogen was asleep.
I originally tried cutting out the ears myself from plain white paper. The perfectionist in me wasn't happy with the mismatched ears I was getting, so I quickly jumped into the computer and created some templates to print out. So much easier for Ol to them colour in (or dictate to me to colour in). There were specific requests for his best friends to have custom ears - Spider-Man, Captain America and Optimus Prime.
I gave Ol the job of sticking the bunny's tails (cotton wool balls) on the back of the eggs. I then got the fiddly bits of sticking on the ears and whiskers (some white 4ply cotton yarn I had lying around from previous projects). Pretty happy with how they turned out and he was so excited to get to kinder and hand them out to his friends.